In the inguinal or groin region there are both eccrine and apocrine sweat glands present. The apocrine sweat glands produce a smaller amount of oily sweat, which is full of energy and consumed by the bacteria on the skin. This process causes the typical acrid smell of sweat.

The eccrine sweat on the other hand consists mostly of water and saline, but is produced in larger quantities. For people suffering from inguinal hyperhidrosis the amount of sweat can cause ample stains, which can be quite embarrassing when leaving wet marks on the seat or if there is a risk of someone assuming it is urine rather than sweat.
Just like people suffering from excessive underarm sweating, the choice of clothes becomes very important to people suffering from inguinal hyperhidrosis and they often change trousers and underwear several times per day. Thicker fabric, like jeans, is often less revealing. Long sweaters, cardigans and tunics are also used to reduce the visibility of possible wet stains.
Suffering from excessive groin sweating can lead to severe discomfort and the constant feeling of being unclean and unhygienic. It can even hamper physical contact and intimate relationships.
Dermix Absolute Dry Wipe can be used to treat inguinal hyperhidrosis. The wet wipe itself makes application easier on the larger skin area, than with the dab-on bottle.